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Better Designs for Flow, Heat and Combustion in Coal-fired Power Plants

10am (London) • 11am (Berlin/Paris) • 3:30pm (Bangalore)Register
10am (Los Angeles) • 1pm (New York) Register

Various processes in the life cycle of coal such as mining, pre-treatment, combustion and flue gas aftertreatment can be simulated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to explore and discover better designs, faster. This webcast will focus on specific ways by which CFD simulations can help increase the efficiency, reliability and longevity of coal-fired power plant systems while decreasing emissions.

Case studies and application examples pertaining to simulating coal-combustion in burners, including a comparison to experimental results from a well-known International Flame Research Foundation (IFRF) case will be provided.

Multiple factors – burner feed design (i.e., injectors and swirlers), operating conditions, the phasing of air for combustion and fuel flexibility – can all have a significant effect on flame characteristics, stable species concentrations, carbon conversion and pollutant outputs.These phenomena can be predicted with CFD by modeling the fluid dynamics, heat transfer and chemical kinetics in systems such as pulverized coal combustors and coal gasifiers.


  • Jim Ryan – Director, Energy & Power, CD-adapco
  • Niveditha Krishnamoorthy – Technical Specialist, Combustion, CD-adapco
  • Matthieu Stasia – Application Engineer, CD-adapco


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